They must exist in the template, and they must be placed on their own line. The two lines that FreeCAD will be looking for are "$blocks" and "$entities". If you create your DXF file with a CAD application, there will likely be much more content inside the HEADER, BLOCKS and ENTITIES sections. The above template doesn't contain any entity. You then need to edit them with a text editor, and add two additional lines, one at the beginning or end of the BLOCKS section, and another at the beginning or end of the ENTITIES section, which are where FreeCAD will add its own blocks and entities. If not, a default empty template is created on the fly.Ĭonsequently, if you create your own SVG templates, and wish to be able to export the Drawing pages that you create with it to DXF, you just need to create a corresponding DXF template, and save it with the same name in the same folder.ĭXF templates can be created with any application that produces DXF files, such as LibreCAD. If a dxf file with the same name is found in the same folder as the SVG template used for a page, it will be used for export. Since version 0.15, FreeCAD can reliably export a Drawing page to the DXF format. The list of currently supported attributes is available on the Svg Namespace page. Several custom attributes can be placed in templates.To define the Border, the following line must appear before the tag in the svg file. This information defines where FreeCAD can, and can not place the projections. In addition to these rules, since FreeCAD 0.14, information about the Border and Title block can be added to the template for use by the orthographic projection tool. If you plan to use any of these, you must add this line inside the opening tag, for example together with the other xmlns lines added by inkscape: This makes FreeCAD able to detect specific items inside svg files, that other applications will just ignore. Several objects (specifically those created with the Draft Drawing command and if your template has editable texts) use a special Svg Namespace specific to FreeCAD.You will need to edit it with a text editor and isolate the comment above on its own line again. Beware that if you reopen and resave your template in inkscape, after adding the above line, inkscape will keep the line, but will add other xml elements on the same line, causing the template to not work anymore. This text above (which is actually an XML comment) must be on a separate line, and not embedded in the middle of other pieces of text. You can have the page size specified inside the opening tag, either without units or with "mm". However, you will often need to open the svg file in a text editor afterwards, to comply with the following rules. Templates are svg files, created with any application capable of exporting svg files, such as Inkscape. See also the tutorial Drawing Template HowTo. Please include pictures and your file.Creating templates for the Drawing module is very easy. If you have any questions about any of the above, or if you have made these changes and are still having difficulty preparing your Inkscape file for Origin, send us an email-we're happy to help! Attach your file and a include a brief explanation of what's happening on Origin's screen when you try to cut the file. Setting your Inkscape Preferences to a geometric bounding box will ensure that both bounding box dimensions on tool and in Inkscape match up with one another.

Origin calculates the bounding box based upon the middle of the stroke. Inkscape defaults to a visual bounding box, which includes stroke width in its calculation of the bounding box's dimensions. Go to Edit > Preferences > Tools and select 'Geometric Bounding Box'. Go to Edit > Preferences > Input/Output > SVG Output and match your settings to those found below. The Inkscape SVG file type will include extraneous data that will not be used by Origin.

*Note that the scale value (underlined above) will change based upon your selected units (Inkscape will default to 96 points per inch and 3.77953 points per millimeter)

Use real world units (inches or millimeters) rather than pixels.If you're using Inkscape to design files for Origin, you'll want to make a few changes to how Inkscape saves and prepares file prior to sending your file to Origin.